Durov was arrested close to Paris on August 24 as a part of an investigation into alleged crimes involving baby pornography, drug trafficking, and fraudulent actions linked to the Telegram app. French authorities indicted him in late August on six fees. He was launched on €5 million bail and prohibited from leaving the nation.
Durov additionally responded to accusations that Telegram is an “anarchic paradise,” dismissing them as “merely unfaithful.”
“We take down thousands and thousands of dangerous posts and channels each day,” he wrote.
But Durov admitted that the app isn’t good and claimed {that a} surge in customers to 950 million “brought about rising pains that made it simpler for criminals to abuse our platform.”
“That’s why I made it my private aim to make sure we considerably enhance issues on this regard,” he stated. “We’ve already began that course of internally, and I’ll share extra particulars on our progress with you very quickly.”